Property Division

Equitable Distribution (Asset/Debt Distribution)

Equitable Distribution in New Jersey is the process by which the Court (or the parties by
agreement) divides both marital assets and debt upon divorce. The authority for the Court to do
so is provided by N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23.1, which directs the Court to consider a host of factors in its
analysis to ensure your have a fair share of marital property and distribution of marital debt.
These factors include:

What Is Marital Property?

New Jersey is a community property state. This means that any property you or your spouse
obtained during your marriage belongs equally to both of you.

Marital property may include:

Some assets, however, are exempt from division. Anything you owned before entering into the
marriage and anything you obtained as a gift or inheritance during the marriage is off-limits for

Divorce proceedings can be extremely overwhelming. We have helped many New Jersey
residents navigate these challenging processes and have seen how complex the many decisions
and disputes involved can impact a family in a divorce.

Before your divorce can be finalized, you must divide all marital property and marital debt. This
process can be made far easier with the assistance of a New Jersey attorney at The Law Offices
of Cindy Ramjattan-Paul, P.C.

Contact us if you need assistance with a difficult property division case. We can be reached
at (973) 542-0200 or mail us @