Child Custody

Courts in New Jersey can order many custodial arrangements for children, including sole custody, joint legal custody, and shared legal and physical custody. In considering the most important arrangement for your child, it is important to recognize that New Jersey Child Custody includes both physical custody, which governs where your child will live, and legal custody, which governs which parent or parent have decision-making authority how your child will be raised and cared for.

Visitation or Parenting Time with a Non-Custodial Parent

In New Jersey, courts refer to time parents spend with their children as “parenting time”, rather than visitation. It acknowledges the importance that each parent plays in the lives of their children.

When two parents of a minor child have separated, one of the most difficult parts of the separation is determining how often the child will spend time with each parent. Creating a child parenting schedule can be stressful, but parents who work together to find a positive solution can resolve the matter more easily.

There are a number of different ways parents can structure a parenting/visitation schedule. The parents may work cooperatively and collaboratively to create and agree on a visitation schedule together.

If the parents are unsuccessful in reaching an agreement, the court will make a determination based on the best interest of the child.

Court-Ordered Visitation Schedules

Similar to child custody cases, the court will determine visitation based on what is in the best interests of the child.

Courts will take into account:

The court will then order a visitation schedule for the parent who does not have primary physical custody. If a parent disagrees with what the court orders, they may file an RFO to return to court and request a modification of the visitation order. Again, the parent requesting the modification must show the court why the modification of the visitation order is in the best interests of the child. Our experienced family law attorneys in Los Angeles can help you with every step of this process.

If you are interested in learning more about your options for child visitation in New Jersey, call Cindy Paul at + (973) 542-0200 or mail us